The safety and well being of our students is a priority at Retford Oaks Academy, and is taken very seriously.

If you need to share a concern about a student at the academy, or would like to talk generally about our safeguarding procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us. The academy office number is  01777 861618.

Designated senior person for child protection

Richard Stewardson

Designated deputy person for child protection

Luke Dickinson –

Fiona White –

Designated governor for child protection

Andrew Knight

Other contacts

LA child protection contact/LADO  – 0115 8041272

MASH (Multi-agency safeguarding hub) – 0300 500 80 90

Safeguarding policy

Retford Oaks Academy follow the Diverse Academies’ safeguarding policy, together with having our own local appendix which details all relevant contacts.