Welcome to Retford Oaks

Welcome to all parents/carers and students joining us at Retford Oaks Academy in September – we look forward to welcoming you to the academy, and showing you what makes us dedicated to excellence.

We hope the information below will prove useful, as you prepare for your child’s journey into secondary education.

If you have any questions in the lead up to your child’s first day, please email transition@retfordoaks-ac.org.uk

Key staff members

We would like to introduce our year 7 pastoral team for 2024/25.

  • Mr J Noble – Head of year 7
  • Mr L Dickinson – Principal
  • Mr R Stewardson – Assistant Principal and Senior DSL
  • Mrs A Brammall – Assistant Principal and year 7 senior link
  • Miss S Whittaker – SENDCO

Transition to Retford Oaks Academy

The transition from primary to secondary school can be both exciting and unsettling for students and parents alike. It is vitally important to us that Year 6 students feel confident about their move to Retford Oaks Academy. We provide a wide range of transition activities which enable to students to get to know Retford Oaks staff and explore our exciting school facilities.

Furthermore, our transition activities provide staff from across our vast learning community the opportunity to work together; learning from each other to develop a secure knowledge of each child as an individual.

The induction process

Although there are many opportunities to experience Retford Oaks Academy throughout primary school, the formal induction process starts a year in advance, when your child starts Year 6 in September.

Our transition team will visit staff and students in their primary schools, listening to their teachers and support staff about individual student needs and giving children a chance to ask the many questions they will have about the step up to secondary school.

Our programme of induction includes:

  • Open evening – In June we invite all interested students and families to attend our annual Open Evening. Following a presentation from our Principal, Luke Dickinson, families have the opportunity to tour the school, visit each department and meet our wonderful staff body. We pride ourselves on a lively and interactive evening – it’s not to be missed!
  • Invitation to events – Throughout the year we invite pupils and staff from our family of primary schools to a number of events including our annual musical, dance festival, sports festival, SGO events, and personal development days.
  • Primary visits – From April onwards a member of staff from the Transition Team will visit each feeder primary school to introduce themselves and talk about Retford Oaks Academy. The aim of the visit is to answer any questions Year 6 pupils may have, set aside any worries and find out about their exciting new school. All non-catchment pupils will either have someone visit their school or have the chance to visit in the summer for a similar talk.
  • Additional support – In the summer term, Year 6 pupils who have been identified by their class teacher as needing additional support in the form of extra sessions in school will be invited in to the academy by our SENCO and Personalised Learning Team. This gives them the opportunity to make friends, familiarise themselves with staff and gain more confidence in and around the school building.
  • Parent induction evening – Parents and carers are invited in to an induction evening to meet key staff including Mr Dickinson (Principal), Mr Cooper (Vice Principal), Mr Noble (Head of Year 7). We will discuss plans for transition week, expectations, uniform requirements and curriculum. There will also be an opportunity for you and your child to meet their tutor.
  • Transition week – In July, all Year 6 pupils join us to experience life at Retford Oaks Academy. Over the course of the week students will have the opportunity to get to know their tutor and peers, experience a wide range of lessons and participate in our annual sports day event.