Our academy committee is dedicated to supporting the staff, infrastructure and especially the students at Retford Oaks Academy. They are volunteers who give their time and commitment freely.

The job of the committee is to support and challenge the academy’s senior leadership team to raise achievement and realise the potential of all the students, supporting the vision and ethos of the academy.

Governors play an important role in trying to ensure that every student at the academy gets the best possible education. Governance concentrates on strategic functions and the focus of these is determined by the trustees on the Diverse Academies Board within our scheme of delegation. The focus for governors on our academy committee broadly fits into four key categories:

  • Standards
  • Safeguarding
  • SEND
  • Stakeholders

Governors get to know the academy through reports and data together with visits into the academy and meeting staff and students.

Find out more about our governors via the links below.

Further information

The Academy Trust Handbook requires the publication on the academy website of certain information about governance in academies.

You can also visit the governance section of the Diverse Academies website, from where you can find details of our trustees, structure, and scheme of delegation.

If there is anything you wish to raise with any of our governors, please do not hesitate to contact them through Nicola Benson, Governance Professional: nbenson@diverse-ac.org.uk