Each of the academies within Diverse Academies Trust hold six meetings per academic year: two per term. If you are a governor at a secondary academy, you may also be asked to attend a meeting at the start of the academic year to receive information about the exam results that have been issued in August.
A meeting cannot make any decisions until there is a minimum number of voting members, a quorum. Without a quorum, the meeting is never properly constituted, but general discussions and updates may still be received. However, it is important that all governors make every effort to attend all possible meetings they are invited to.
The quorum for a local academy committee meeting is 50% of governors who are appointed.
You may be asked to be a link governor for a specific area within the academy e.g. safeguarding and write a report following your visit/meeting with the subject lead. If this is the case, you will initially accompany another governor until you are confident in taking on the role on your own.
It is also very useful for you to carry out visits to the academy either during the day or attending open evenings and events in the academy.
Occasionally we ask governors to sit on student discipline panels and if you are interested in this and have daytime availability you will receive training.