We actively encourage, celebrate and reward the positive behaviour of our students, through a points-based rewards system which focuses on four areas:
- excellence in the classroom
- progress towards target grades
- representing the academy at different levels
- attendance
Each of the four areas allow students to gain points, which they can exchange for prizes through our interactive site, rBay. Students can monitor their points and the prizes that they can buy with those points. The more points the students gain, the better chance they have of winning one of the excellent prizes.
We are committed to high standards and creating an environment based on respect for everyone involved in academy life, as well as respect for the physical academy environment. Our behaviour policy uses a three level warning system:
- level 1 – a verbal warning
- level 2 – the student is removed from the group and spoken to about their behaviour
- level 3 – the student is issued with a red card
If a student is issued a red card they are required to move to the referral room for the remainder of that lesson. The student will then be required to attend a restorative justice meeting, whilst still in the referral room, to discuss their behaviour with the member of staff in question.
We expect students to be punctual. There are, of course, occasions when students are unavoidably late and we ask them to sign in at the main reception. If a student is late to school with no valid explanation a yellow card will be issued and a detention set for the Friday evening that immediately follows.
The after school detention will be from 3.30-4pm. This increases to an hour’s detention if more than one late arrival is accrued in the same week.