Students have access to outstanding facilities in all areas of the curriculum, which help to support their progress and enhance their achievements. The academy is a positive, vibrant environment conducive to learning and personal development. Retford Oaks was purpose-built in 2007 and the facilities were designed with students in mind.
All classrooms and corridors are light and spacious. Students can move around the building freely and safely. Classrooms are modern, large and make extensive use of technology to support learning.
Students’ work is displayed prominently throughout the building, positively reinforcing the excellent work which is done within specific curriculum areas. Artwork created in our own studios features in corridors and in public areas giving students their own ‘mini-exhibition’ spaces and allowing the Retford Oaks community the opportunity to share in their creativity.
Creative and Expressive Arts facilities are of a professional standard with large drama and dance studios, alongside fully-equipped music rooms and studios. Sports facilities include a dedicated fitness suite, a sports hall and an outdoor multi-use games area, together with grassed football pitches, an athletics track and tennis courts.
Students interested in technology benefit from working on industry standard machinery and have access to professional design software. Within the same department, our food technology kitchens are spacious and professionally fitted out, enabling students to learn cookery, hospitality and nutrition in a safe and stimulating environment.
The physical environment is supported by knowledgeable and dedicated staff who strive for excellence at all times, generating a positive and supportive environment. House groups help to create a community and family atmosphere, making Retford Oaks a great place to learn, to progress and to succeed.
Premises management
The building and site are currently managed by EQUANS as part of the PFI arrangement the academy operates under.