At Retford Oaks, we are keen to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty, alongside mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Many of these values are recurring themes in lessons across the whole curriculum in all year groups. In order to further promote British values, our learning enrichment day programme reinforces some of the themes relating to all of the British values. Many of our displays around the academy also relate to these values and highlight their importance.
We are also proud of our close links with the British Legion and the role we play in raising awareness of the annual Poppy Appeal. This is a key example of how we embrace the British values agenda and promote it throughout the academy.
There are a number of skills and personal factors which we encourage throughout our curriculum and wider personal development which link to these British values, including:
- beliefs
- spiritual awareness
- high standards of personal behaviour
- being caring towards other people
- understanding others’ social and cultural traditions
- appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures
- identifying and dealing with extremism