Why do we set homework?
Homework supports learning and achievement. Homework should consist of meaningful and worthwhile tasks or projects that foster a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. Tasks are= designed to extend the learning of the student outside the classroom and students should want to complete the tasks. Tasks should embed the habit of learning independently at home.
Homework has an important role to play in that it can:
- extend and support classwork
- enable access to resources not available in the classroom
- reinforce skills and understanding
- consolidate and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities
- extend and support every child’s learning
- develop the skills of an independent learner
- develop deep learners rather than surface learners
- develop research skills
- allow students to gain and practice the skills and knowledge that they will be required to reproduce in assessment situations, such as exams
- develop abilities in time management and organisation essential in life and beneficial to students as they leave the academy and progress to university or enter the workforce
- allow students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning
- engage parental co-operation and support
- create channels for home school dialogue
We aim to foster a strong culture of studying outside of class as this is key to developing independent learning skills. Importantly, homework does not have to mean, literally, ‘work done at home’. We acknowledge that this can create difficulties in some circumstances. It can mean work done at home but, equally, it can mean work done during the day when not in lessons – in the homework club, the LRC or other quiet spaces, in an after-school club or booster sessions – whenever, wherever!
In circumstances where it is difficult to complete work at home, arrangements will be made with the class teacher for tasks to be completed at the academy. For example, this may be because of a need to access computers or printers. Homework clubs and support surgeries are also run in some faculties at lunchtimes and can be used for this purpose.