Being a student at Retford Oaks is about much more than classroom learning. We offer our students a wide choice of clubs, activities and leadership responsibilities and opportunities, to make sure your time at the academy is enjoyable and that you leave us set up with unique skills that will be attractive to universities, colleges and employers – helping you stand out from the crowd. Not only that, but you may even make some new friends and even find a hobby for life!

Revision clubs are also available in several subjects throughout the year. Please speak to your subject teacher for more information about GCSE revision clubs.

Autumn term clubs and activities

ClubDayTimeClub roomYear groups
Board GamesEvery dayEvery breakC14All
Fitness ClubMondayBreak 1GymAll
Football on the AstroMondayBreak 1AstroAll
Football on the AstroTuesdayBreak 1AstroAll
BadmintonTuesdayBreak 1Sports HallYears 11, 12 & 13
Science ClubTuesday3.30-4.15pmS1All
Strings ClubTuesday4-5pmM1All
Gym clubTuesday3.15-4.15pmGymAll
Sports studies boosterTuesday3.15-4.15pmSP2Y10 & Y11
Football Tuesday3.15-4.15pmAstroY10 & Y11
ArtTuesday3.15-4.15pmDT3Y10 & Y11
Mindfulness ClubTuesday3.15-4.15pmLRCAll
Futsal clubWednesdayBreak 1AstroYears 7 & 8
Year 7-9 indoor futsalWednesday3.15-4.15pmSports hallYear 7
Netball clubWednesday3.15-4.15pmSports hallAll
Drama ClubWednesdayBreak 2D2All
ROASIS - Jam BandWednesday3.15-4.15pmM1All
Band PracticeWednesday3.15-4.15M2All
Trampoline clubThursdayBreak 1Sports HallAll
Warhammer clubFriday3.15pm-4.15pmLRCAll
Coding clubFriday3.15-4pmC1Y7-Y9
Trampoline clubFridayBreak 2AstroAll