Physical education (PE)

In Core PE, students will study up to 11 different sports across each school year.  These sports are: trampolining, handball, rugby, netball, fitness, football, athletics, cricket, tennis, rounders and volleyball.

This broad and balanced offering ensures that students stay suitably challenged while being exposed to sports they may not have learned before and encourages participation in a wide range of activities.

While, each year, students will rotate around the same sports, the level of challenge increases appropriately as students are guided through the complexity that each sport brings. Extracurricular activities compliment the core PE timetable as it changes throughout the season and reflects the competitions the academy competes in across the year. This ensures that students at Retford Oaks Academy are well prepared to compete, as well as participate in a number of inter-school competitions.

Year 7

In Year 7, students are introduced to some sports they may have little experience of and are encouraged to demonstrate their skills in sports that are well-known. Ball handling, basic skills and rules of sports are part of the delivery to provide students with a broad grounding knowledge of a variety of sports.

Year 8

In year 8, students build on this knowledge and develop their use of tactics, strategic thinking and decision-making skills in competitive game situations, enhancing their ability with skills easily transferrable into other settings.

Year 9

In year 9, students are well under way to being suitably prepared for the practical nature of our exam courses that are advertised to study at level 2. Here we include more direct links to components of fitness, how the practical nature of sport can benefit health and wellbeing and highlight the importance of refereeing the sports studied. This focus doesn’t take away from the practical nature of playing sport and students will enjoy the balanced delivery of core PE.

Year 10 and 11

You can find further details on the KS4 curriculum below: