English language

Qualification type: GCSE
Exam board: AQA
Course code: 8700
Contact: Miss Jackson – ajackson@retfordoaks-ac.org.uk

GCSE English language allows students to prepare for life after school, enabling them to write for all kinds of audiences and to be able to read many different types of texts. The course runs alongside English literature, so that students can concentrate on a different element each half term. The course introduces students to different genres and exposes them to the world and all its possibilities.

What will be studied?

Paper 1: explorations and creative reading and writing

Section A: reading – students read an extract of text from either the 20th or 21st century and consider how established writers use narrative and descriptive techniques to capture the interest of the reader. Students are asked to answer four questions on the text.

Section B: writing – students write their own creative text inspired by the topic in section A. They must demonstrate their narrative and descriptive skills. They are given a prompt, such as a scenario or an image.

Paper 2: writers’ viewpoints and perspectives

Section A: reading – students read two linked sources from different time periods and genres to consider how each presents a perspective or a viewpoint to influence the reader.

Section B: writing – students write their own creative text inspired by the topic in section A. They must demonstrate their narrative and descriptive skills. They are given a prompt, such as a scenario or an image. Students are assessed on their spoken language – it no longer forms part of the final grade but it is compulsory and must be completed to pass the course. Students are tested on their presenting skills, responding to questions and feedback and their use of standard English.

Course benefits

Most employers will ask for this qualification.

  • You will demonstrate skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that are necessary to communicate with others confidently, effectively and precisely.
  • You will be able to use language to express yourself creatively and imaginatively.
  •  It will help you to become a critical reader of fiction and non-fiction prose, poetry and drama.

Assessment structure

This qualification is assessed by examination. There are two papers, each exam is 1 hour, 45 minutes long.

Career opportunities

English GCSEs are relevant to all future careers, as all jobs need clear reading and writing skills.

  • Journalism
  • Writer (author, playwright, poet etc.)
  • Teaching (in the UK or abroad)
  • Public relations
  • Law
  • Advertising