On Thursday 12 September, we welcomed the Nottinghamshire County Council Road Safety Team to the academy.
The team arrived at 8am and observed, in and around the local area, those of our students who use bikes and scooters to get to the academy.
They inspected students’ bikes for their suitability for road use and then gave an informative assembly to all bike users.
During the presentation, we looked at the reasons why cyclists are statistically vulnerable, compared to other road users, and particularly in the 12-16 age bracket. The emphasis was on the fact that, at times, it is cyclists’ own behaviour that makes them so vulnerable.
The team also addressed the impact of cyclists’ behaviour on other road users; in particular the inconsiderate and, at times, antisocial behaviour of some cyclists. We also looked at the law with regards to this behaviour, which was covered by our local police liaison officer.
The team were very complementary of the manner in which our students cycled to the academy, as well as their regard for pedestrians and other road users. They were also impressed with our students’ challenging questions during the presentation.