Exam board: Edexcel
Qualification type: GCSE
Course code: 601/8161/8
Contact: Mr Kane –
This course builds on key stage three physical education, giving students the opportunity to extend their knowledge and practical skills. Students will receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science through the combination of physical performance and academic challenges.
What will be studied?
Units studied include applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training, use of data, sports psychology, socio-cultural influences and health, fitness and wellbeing. Students will select three sports for their practical assessment, which must include one team and one individual activity.
Why study PE?
• It gives you an opportunity to perform your sport/s at a recognised level.
• Links directly to science and in particular biology.
• It helps you understand how the body works.
• It helps improve your evaluative skills.
Assessment Structure
This course is made up of 40% practical (10% of which is a personal exercise programme) and 60% theory.
There are two exams – fitness and body systems (1 hour, 45 minutes) and health and performance (1 hour, 15 minutes). These papers will be sat following the completion of all practical assessments. The practical assessment of onsite activities will be recorded and moderated by an external visiting moderator. Off-site activities (e.g. climbing and cycling) will be video recorded and submitted to the visiting moderator. The personal exercise programme will take place under unlimited controlled circumstances and will comprise of identifying an area for development within a sports activity, planning and undertaking a training programme, and analysing and evaluating its effectiveness.
Career opportunities
• Teacher of physical education
• Physiotherapist
• Journalist
• Sports coach
• Sports scientist
• Sports technician
• Armed forces