Health and social care

Qualification type: Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2
Exam board: OCR
Course code: J811
Contact: Mrs Hunt –

This course is for students who have a keen interest in all aspects of health and social care. It provides essential knowledge and transferable life skills, and contributes to students’ personal development, employability and economic wellbeing.

What will be studied?

All students will study four units, including:
• Essential values of care, for use with individuals in care settings
• Communicating and working with individuals in health, social care and early years settings
• Understanding body systems and disorders
• Understanding life stages

Why study health and social care?

This course positively challenges students, whilst promoting independence, creativity and critical thinking. Further progression from this course would be to health and social care at A Level or A Levels in psychology and sociology, thus meeting entry requirements for study at university. Apprenticeships in health and social care would be an alternative progression route.

Assessment structure

There are three centre-assessed coursework-based units each worth 25% of the final marks (units two, three and four). There is also a one hour written exam paper (unit one), which is worth 25% of the final marks, covering topics such as individual rights, values, personal hygiene and safety.

Career opportunities

• Nursing
• Paramedic
• Social care
• Counselling
• Psychology
• Audiology
• Anaesthetist